+385 98 320 055


Distance from the sea: 1000 m;

Nearest beach: 1000 m sand;

Nearest rocky beach: 1500 m;

Nearest nude beach: 3000 m;

Distance from city: 1 km Makarska, 4 km Tučepi, 11 km Baska Voda, 12 km Podgora, 15 km Brela, 62km Spli;

Nearest seafood restaurant: 1000 m;

Nearest meat restaurant: 600 m;

Nearest cafe bar: 700 m;

Nearest shop and bakery: 500 m;

The nearest grocery store: 1200 m;

Nearest fish market: 1200 m;

Nearest medical clinic: 1500 m;

Nearest pharmacy: 1000 m;

Nearest dentist: 1000 m;

Nearest bank, ATM and exchange office: 1000 m;

Nearest tennis courts: 1500 m;

Nearest sport center: 2000 m;

Nearest playground for children: 1000 m;

The nearest gas station: 1500 m;

Nearest ferry port: 1200 m, direct line to the island of Brac, and from Drvenik (30 km) to the island Hvar;

Nearest gas station for catamaran: 1200 m;

The nearest bus stop: 900 m;

The nearest marina / marine berth (competent marina): 3000 m;

Nearest airport: 80km;


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